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Why is my Water Pressure Suddenly Low?

why is my water pressure so low

Ever hopped in the shower only to be met with a disappointing trickle of water? Or tried to wash dishes, to find that it takes twice as long due to the lack of water pressure?

Low water pressure is a frustrating problem. But before you start tearing apart your plumbing (or doing the wise thing and calling a professional), let’s take a look at some of the common causes of low water pressure and how to fix them.

The Warning Signs of Low Water Pressure

Think you have low water pressure? Look for these telltale signs:

  • The washing machine takes forever to fill
  • Very slow flow from showerheads and faucets
  • Plates coming out dirty from the dishwasher
  • Noticing a leak coming from your pipes

If you notice any of these signs, you have a problem with your home’s plumbing.

How is Water Pressure Measured?

Ever heard of PSI? It stands for Pounds Per Square Inch, the basic water pressure measurement. In short, it refers to the amount of force the water exerts on a given area, and in most homes, it should be between 40 and 60 PSI.

Too high, and the pressure could damage your pipes. Too low, and it’s enough to drive you crazy in a trickling shower.

Use a Gauge to Check the PSI

So, how can you check the PSI of your trickling water? The easiest way to get a reasonably accurate reading is to use a gauge. Follow these steps to get your reading:

  • Turn off all the faucets so there’s no running water
  • Connect the pressure gauge to your outside faucet, making sure there’s a good seal
  • Turn the faucet on full and check the reading
  • If the reading is below 30, you have low water pressure

What Causes Low Water Pressure?

Several factors can contribute to low water pressure, and understanding these factors is key to resolving the issue and restoring your water pressure to normal levels. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common causes.

Clogged Pipes

Imagine trying to drink pulped orange juice through a straw. The pulp will likely block the straw, and you’ll get very little juice.


clogged bathroom sink drain
It’s the same with your pipes. A blockage prevents water from flowing freely, leaving you with a dribbling shower.

Unfortunately, limescale builds up inside pipes in areas with hard water. A solution of baking soda and vinegar is a handy DIY way to lessen limescale.

Need a Solution?

An easy way to prevent pipes from clogging is to use a kitchen drain food catcher and remove debris regularly. And don’t forget to clear loose hair from the drains in your bathroom.

Corroded Water Pipes

There’s a common phrase “Rust never sleeps.” And that’s certainly true for your pipes. Water contains oxygen, and when oxygen reacts with the metal inside pipes, it clogs up with rust.

If your water looks brown or tastes metallic, chances are you have a rust problem. And here’s the kicker. Rusty pipes mean more leaks and higher repair bills.

Need a Solution?

Unfortunately, corroded pipes can’t be fixed and need replacing. Speak to the Adeedo plumbing experts for more information.

Faulty Main Valve

The main water valve regulates the flow of water into your home. If faulty or damaged, it stops water flowing freely through your pipes. So you get decreased pressure and sometimes a complete loss of water flow altogether.

drain meme
Need a Solution?

If you suspect your main water valve is causing low water pressure, the best thing to do is have it inspected and repaired by a professional plumber.

An Issue With Your Municipal Supplier

If you live far away from your main municipal water source, the distance could affect your pressure. The pressure from the pumps may not be strong enough to push the water through your home.

Need a Solution?

Install a water booster pump near the water meter or main supply line. Booster pumps draw water from the main supply and increase its pressure before distributing it throughout your home.

Water Pressure Regulator

These handy devices protect your home from high water pressure. It should be set to 50PSI. If your regulator is set at a lower range, it’ll affect your water pressure.

Need a solution?
Check your regulator monthly. If you think it’s faulty, ask a plumber to take a look.


If you’ve had your pipes drained for repair recently, or there’s been a sudden change in water pressure, you could have an airlock. The air creates a barrier, stopping the water from flowing efficiently.

Need a Solution?

To get rid of an airlock, you need to bleed your pipes. This can be tricky, so call a plumber if unsure.

Fed up with low water pressure? Contact us today and get your home’s water supply flowing freely again.



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