Category: Heating
How to Choose the Right Furnace Replacement for Your Home
Many people underestimate the importance of having a reliable furnace in their home until it suddenly stops working when they need it most. This situation often leads to the question of how to choose the right furnace replacement for your home. Consulting with a professional HVAC technician is paramount, but gaining insight into the key
Should Air Vents be High or Low?
Most homeowners don’t give the placement of the air vents a second thought. But, these openings are usually in particular places for a reason — optimal airflow. Here we’ll discuss what air vents are found in the home, the pros and cons of vents on the floor and ceiling, and whether the placement matters. Air
Are These Five Mistakes Driving up Your Heating Bill
If you’re like the rest of us, your energy bills go way up during the winter. Of course, you want your home to be toasty in winter, but energy costs can throw a wrench into your plans. However, it’s possible to lower your energy bills with a few simple tweaks. Check if you’re making these
7 Signs you Need a Furnace Tune-Up
A furnace tune-up is a must if you want to keep your HVAC system in good working order. Tune-ups in the fall can help prevent malfunctions and breakdowns in the coldest months of the year. Not sure if you need a furnace tune-up? Here are some simple-to-spot signs that suggest it’s time you booked some
How to Save on Electric Bills This Fall and Winter
As the sun sets earlier, and a slight chill appears in the Los Angeles air, we may begin to turn on the thermostat. But there’s no fun in paying a huge electric bill. So, we’ve put together some top tips to help you save on your electric bill this fall and winter. Keep Curtains Open
Do Heat Pumps Work in Los Angeles?
Don’t forget, fall is just around the corner. If you have a subpar or older HVAC system, consider how a heat pump can help you with your home’s needs. If you’re in Los Angeles, you may be wondering if heat pumps work in the city – or California, for that matter. Fortunately, California’s moderate climate
Gas Leak? Not on My Watch
If you have gas appliances or a natural gas furnace, you could be at risk of a gas leak. An untreated gas leak can be extremely dangerous and can cause long-term health problems for those exposed to toxic gas for an extended period of time. Preventing gas leaks is an important part of keeping your
Why Is My Furnace Making That Noise?
What Are Those Noises from Your Furnace? A universal fear is waking up to a bump in the night. While noises like scratching, clicking, and pounding can sound like someone in the house, we’re going to make you feel a bit better. Most of the time, these strange sounds can be attributed to your furnace.
How to Fix Common Furnace Problems
As the winter months approach and cold weather starts to creep up, it’s time to turn on the furnace and get some nice, warm air. The best thing you can do for your furnace is to schedule routine maintenance. However, we know that not everyone has the time to be on top of this. In
Why Is My Thermostat Working, but My Heater Isn’t?
We all know what it’s like when Los Angeles gets its first chill of the season. In a city defined by warm, wonderful weather, a chilly day can throw everything off. When it happens, we all want a nice warm home to go back to. But what happens when your thermostat is working, but your