How to Quickly Cool Your Home During a Heatwave

Looking for ways to beat the heat this summer? If it’s anything like the last one, we’ll probably have another major heat wave that challenges your air conditioner. No matter how efficient your system is, it’s virtually impossible to keep your house cool when the temps hit the triple digits.

If you need a way to cool your home down quickly, try out these tips to survive the summer heat wave.


Be Smart About Your Air Conditioning

It’s tempting to crank the air conditioner up all the way at the lowest temperature, but that’s not effective. At best, your air conditioner can reduce the temperature about 20 or 25 degrees compared to the outdoor temperature, so that extra temperature setting won’t make a difference. It’s better to set your temperature a little higher and cool your home more efficiently.

Use Fans to Circulate Air

Fans can’t cool the air, but they can complement the work of the air conditioning to circulate the conditioned air. Place fans around your home to keep the air from stagnating and get a nice breeze. Fans also help to keep you cool, as they evaporate the sweat on your body and reduce your body temperature.


Use Ice Water

Ice water can add some cold air to your home when combined with a fan. Place bowls of ice water in front of the fans to blow the cold air around and reduce the temperature, giving your air conditioner a little break.

ice during the summer meme

Close Your Blinds

It’s nice to have sunshine flowing into your home, but that can add a lot of heat during an already hot day. Instead, close your blinds and shades to keep the sunlight – and heat – out and help your air conditioner cool effectively.

close your blinds to cool your home

Don’t Cool Unused Rooms

There are probably some rooms in your home that you don’t use, such as a basement, spare bedroom, or extra bathroom. If so, don’t waste the energy to cool them, as it will only cost you money and make the work harder for your air conditioner. Close these rooms off and leave the air conditioner to cool a smaller space.

Avoid Using Your Oven

Of all the appliances in your home that generate heat, your oven is the biggest issue. Just a short time cooking can create a hot and humid environment in your home, defeating the hard work of your air conditioner. Instead of cooking, grill your dinner outside or get takeout. You could also opt for foods you don’t have to cook, such as salads or sandwiches.

Put Sheets in the Freezer

If you struggle to sleep well when it’s hot out, freezing your sheets is a good way to cool down and get to sleep faster. Just put your sheets and pillowcases in the freezer for about an hour before going to bed to keep them icy cool. This also works on your couch or desk chair if you find it uncomfortable to sit and relax in the heat.


Cool Down with a Hot Water Bottle

Hot water bottles are a nice touch during the winter when it’s frigid and you need some extra heat. The same thing can apply in the summer, but instead of filling the bottle with hot water, you can freeze it. This is great for under your sheets at night or in your work chair to keep you cool.

Open a Window in Your Bedroom

If your room gets muggy, try cracking a window for a few hours before bedtime to get the air circulating. You can also put in some fans to encourage more airflow and reduce stagnant hot air in the room.


crack a window to keep your home cool

Take a Lukewarm Shower

You don’t want to take a hot shower on a hot day, not only for your own comfort but because it will add heat and moisture to your home. Try taking a tepid or cool shower that doesn’t create steam to reduce your body temperature without adding to the heat in the house.

Don’t Use Your Dishwasher

The washer and dishwasher are two appliances that create heat and humidity, undoing your air conditioner’s efforts. If it can wait, don’t use your dishwasher or washer when it’s still hot in the house. If you have to complete these chores, do them late in the evening or early in the morning when it’s usually cooler.

Get a Tune Up Before Summer

The last thing you want is to go into summer unprepared. Schedule a tune up for your air conditioner before summer hits to make sure it’s working properly before the temperatures start rising. You may have minor repairs or issues that should be corrected, otherwise you may have a breakdown or major repair at the worst possible time (probably during a heat wave).

Need work done on your air conditioner? Contact the pros at Adeedo to see what we can do for you!

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