Our Safety Procedures


At Adeedo, our number one priority is to keep our customers, employees, and their families safe. As we continue to closely monitor the coronavirus situation, we want you to know that we will keep serving you in the safest way possible.

As a precautionary measure, to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, we have implemented increased hygiene routines. This includes increased cleaning and sanitizing of high contact areas in our work spaces. Adeedo technicians, as well as our office staff, have been briefed on safety practices within our customers’ homes, the CDC’s recommendations for interacting in the workplace, and to stay home if they (or anyone in their household) have any symptoms or quarantine is recommended.

All technicians will be taking precautionary measures such as:

  • Wearing masks & disposable gloves and booties
  • Maintaining social distancing (…we look forward to when we will be able to shake your hand again!)
  • Hand sanitizing before and after each customer visitWe will continue doing everything we can to keep you and our technicians safe. Thank you for your trust in Adeedo. We remain committed to safely serving you.


For Your Comfort and Health,

The Adeedo Team

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