7 Signs you Need a Furnace Tune-Up

A furnace tune-up is a must if you want to keep your HVAC system in good working order. Tune-ups in the fall can help prevent malfunctions and breakdowns in the coldest months of the year.

Not sure if you need a furnace tune-up? Here are some simple-to-spot signs that suggest it’s time you booked some furnace maintenance.

How Often Should I Book a Furnace Tune-Up?

You can indeed carry out some furnace maintenance yourself. However, while you can adjust the settings on your heating and cooling system, it’s best to leave the maintenance to professionals. They’re trained to thoroughly inspect your furnace and make any necessary repairs.

Image: inside a furnace getting vacuumed out.
Since we live in an area with mild winters and summers, once a year should be enough to keep your furnace operating smoothly. Or you could opt for two tune-ups – once before furnace season and once before switching to air conditioning. That way, you can rest easy knowing your furnace is in full working order whatever the weather throws your way.

Why is a Furnace Tune-Up Important?

Furnaces are one of the most important appliances in your home. If you don’t have a properly functioning furnace, you won’t be able to keep your home warm during the winter months. This can lead to a whole host of problems, including frozen pipes and mold growth.

Image: Austin Powers meme about heating.
There are many benefits to getting a tune-up for your furnace, the main ones including –

  • Prevent fires and other safety hazards by ensuring all gas/oil connections are safe and secure.
  • Lowering energy bills by eliminating inefficient use of energy from your heating system.
  • Keeping your heating system running at peak efficiency.

Signs you Need a Furnace Tune-Up

If you notice any of these signs, it is time to schedule a furnace tune-up.

Energy Bills Have Gone Up

If you’ve been shocked by your energy bill lately, it’s time for a tune-up. A poorly maintained furnace leads to higher energy consumption because it’s not working at its optimal level. In addition, if the furnace isn’t properly tuned up or cleaned, it can cause more wear and tear on the system. This makes it harder for the furnace to deliver the right heat needed in your home, so your thermostat has to work harder to keep things at a comfortable temperature. And it’s these issues that lead to your higher energy bills.

Image: a couple are looking at their bills.

Something Smells Funky

Did you know that dust and other particles can build up inside your furnace over time? This can cause it to emit an unpleasant odor when running. A professional can take care of this problem for you and check for other issues, such as clogged filters or dirty burners.

Heat is Patchy (Or There’s no Heat at All)

If certain rooms are colder than others, but the thermostat is set at a consistent temperature throughout the house, there could be something wrong with the thermostat or wiring system. Check to ensure that all wires are securely connected, and none have been damaged by pets or children playing around them. And call a professional as soon as possible.

Fiddling with the Thermostat Doesn’t Change Anything

Your furnace should heat up as soon as you turn on the thermostat, especially if it’s already been set at a higher temperature than usual for comfort. If turning the thermostat doesn’t affect how quickly your home gets warm, something is wrong with your system.

Pilot Light is Yellow or Orange

If your furnace pilot light is red or orange, that means there isn’t enough oxygen in the air for the flame to burn properly. This can be caused by a clogged flue or dirty filters that aren’t circulating enough air through the furnace.

Your Furnace is Old

If you have an older furnace, it’s important to have it serviced regularly. A tune-up is a short-term maintenance plan that can keep your system working efficiently and safely and ensure that it lasts as long as possible.

Image: an old furnace in a basement.
Older units use more energy and generate more carbon dioxide emissions than newer ones. In addition, if you hear unusual noises coming from your furnace, it could mean that parts of the system are loose or worn out. This could lead to increased wear and tear on other components and result in higher repair costs down the line.

It Makes Strange Noises

If your furnace makes a loud banging or clanging sound when it comes on, this may be due to a loose heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is the part of the furnace that transfers heat from the burner to the air circulating through your house. If it’s loose, it can bang against other parts of the furnace as it heats up and cools down.

Don’t struggle with a broken furnace this winter. Instead, call the pros at Adeedo for all your furnace maintenance needs.

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