When to Replace Your Water Line

Your water line, like the rest of your plumbing system, is designed to last for many decades without needing to be replaced. Like all things, though, there comes a time when it is simply too old and worn to do the job efficiently anymore. When that happens, it’s important that you be able to recognize it. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that let our Los Angeles and Orange County plumbers know when you should replace your water line.

The first factor that lets our Adeedo! plumbers know that you should replace your water line is how much damage it has incurred from various issues over the years. For example, tree roots often grow around water lines in search of new sources of water. Sometimes roots can be removed without replacing the line. However, if the growth is advanced enough it will dislodge or cause breaks in the line. Then it will become necessary to replace part or all of the water line. Water lines that have been plagued with problems over many years will tend to need replacement much sooner than water lines that are relatively untouched.

Your water line has a shelf life, just like the rest of your plumbing system. With proper care and maintenance, you can get the line to last upwards of 50 years. Past that point, however, the line will start to become more and more prone to problems. It can be difficult to tell exactly when the best time to replace your water line is based on the age alone. So, it’s always a good idea to have your line professionally inspected from time to time by our Los Angeles and Orange County plumbers.

Schedule an appointment online or call the professionals at Adeedo! today at (833) 936-1791

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