Three Benefits Of Regular HVAC System Maintenance

hvac maintenanceMaintaining your air conditioner (and furnace) has benefits that go far beyond keeping the warranty valid. Regular HVAC system maintenance ensures your system runs at peak efficiency. Plus, it won’t suddenly leave you sweating out a hot Los Angeles summer day. What will regular HVAC maintenance do for you?

Offer you greater energy efficiency

It doesn’t take a big problem rearing its ugly head to affect your utility bill. In just a few months of normal use, your system can develop minor wear and tear that drags down its energy efficiency. Loose wires, dust on the blower fan, and a motor running at the outer limits of its voltage range all cause the system to use more energy than necessary. And that means higher utility bills for you. But problems like these don’t create obvious changes in the way your unit runs; they’ll usually only be discovered during a professional maintenance inspection like one Reliance can do for you.

Give your system a longer lifespan

Not maintaining your system will cause its components to wear out before their time. Dirt and debris in the system forces the motor to work harder than it was designed for, causing it to break down early. Impaired airflow can cause your air conditioner compressor to overheat and eventually fail. Even the added electrical resistance caused by loose wires gradually damages the system’s components. During an annual inspection, a Reliance HVAC technician can find and correct these issues while they’re still easy and relatively inexpensive to deal with. This way all your components reach their expected lifespan and you’ll get the maximum return on investment from your system.

Provide improved safety and reliability

Regular HVAC system maintenance protects your family from fires, carbon monoxide leaks, and other safety threats. It also reduces the risk of sudden breakdowns. Not all repair issues give you clear warnings before they knock out your system. Have your air conditioner professionally inspected regularly and you can rest assured you won’t come home one hot summer afternoon to find yourself without cooling. As an added benefit, you’ll enjoy better indoor air quality when your system’s components and air ducts are clean.

Want to learn more about our Happy Home Club and the regular maintenance and savings it offers? Good idea.


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