Easy and Important Plumbing Safety Tips

Do-it-yourself plumbing projects or repairs are often due to not wanting to hire a professional. Of course, we are all guilty of DIY tasks here and there, but you need to keep safety as the main priority when it comes to your plumbing.

That said, read and follow our plumbing safety do’s and don’ts to ensure your plumbing maintenance is effective and, most importantly, safe.

Why Plumbing Safety Matters

When becoming a certified plumber, safety is at the root of all learning material. Professional plumbers are taught safety, and when you take on any plumbing projects or repairs yourself, you need to consider the possibility of an accident and its consequences.

The tools you may need to use can pose a threat if not used properly. Incorrectly using tools could lead to potential gas or water leaks.

Plumbing safety should always be your primary concern. If you think, even slightly, that there’s a possibility of danger, it’s best to hire a professional. Failing to do so can cause injury and property damage, which may be instant or build up over time.

The tools you may need to use can pose a threat if not used properly. Incorrectly using tools could lead to potential gas or water leaks.

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Plumbing safety should always be your primary concern. If you think, even slightly, that there’s a possibility of danger, it’s best to hire a professional. Failing to do so can cause injury and property damage, which may be instant or build up over time.

What You Should Do

Before you do anything, take the time to think. Think about the steps you need to take from start to finish. It’s advisable to write them down so that you can move from one task to the next seamlessly. You can also gather all the equipment in advance to make sure it’s within reach.

Wear Eye Protection

Whenever you’re working with tools, eye protection is always recommended. Wearing safety glasses reduces the risk of eye injury, regardless of the task.

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Plumbing projects and repairs that include using a drill, hammer, or saw are hazardous and could cause eye injury. When you take a look under your kitchen sink, you’ll want to wear protective glasses.

It takes only some muck from your drain or a splash of sewage to enter your eyes to cause serious harm. For your own protection, it’s best to keep your eyes covered at all times.

Protect Your Hands and Arms

As with protecting your eyes, you’ll need to do so for your hands and arms. Wear work gloves when taking part in any plumbing task.

Remember that your hands will come into physical contact with various chemicals and materials, so it’s best to keep them covered and ensure your skin is safe.

If you’re using a drain machine, wear latex gloves under leather gloves to avoid infection from the germs that hide in drain lines.

Know Where the Shutoff Valve Is and Turn Off the Water When Necessary

It’s vital to locate the shutoff valve before you start your project. These are usually different depending on the location, but they’re often close to the fixture itself or appliance. For example, sink faucets usually have shutoff valves under the sink, close to where your water supply tubes run.

Remember that you’ll have two valves if your faucet has both hot and cold water. If there’s any chance, you’ll be working with the water supply, it’s best to shut it off to be safe. You may accidentally release pressurized water, and not knowing where the shutoff valve is will become trickier to find when you’re panicking.

Read the Entire Label

Before using any chemicals or machines, take some time to read through the labels. It may not be the most straightforward or most exciting read of your life, but you absolutely need to know how it functions and its safety guidelines for your own protection. Make sure you follow the recommendations, read the warnings, and learn what to do if something goes wrong.

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Think Long and Hard Before Opening a Drain

Opening a drain is a full-on task. Before separating your drain’s parts, make sure you think.

Consider if it’s at all possible that the pipe will drain toward you. If the drain is clogged, it can build up extreme pressure.

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It’s not impossible (in fact, it’s pretty common) that the drain becomes a dirty hose of sewage with this added pressure. So, think carefully, and take preventative measures to avoid this.

Call a Professional if Anything Goes Wrong

Don’t try to fix the situation yourself if it spirals out of control. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, and in plumbing situations, trying to solve the problem yourself can often lead to more harm than good.

What You Should Not Do

Many homeowners who have yet to test their DIY skills on a plumbing project view plumbing as a LEGO-like game with simple instructions and assembly. This is a dangerous mindset.

Plumbing is far more complicated than most believe. It often becomes much more complex than A slots into B, and then we’ve got C. So, the key is to be informed and not to rush. Organization is crucial and knowing what you need to do in order will help prevent panics from cropping up halfway through.

With that in mind, let’s look at what not to do to ensure you’re safe when working on your plumbing.

Forget Building Codes

The point of plumbing and building codes is to ensure that you, your family members, and the public are safe. They’re created and crafted this way with your wellbeing in mind. As such, you need to adhere to them and never ignore them.

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Ignore the Smell of Gas

The second you smell a hint of gas, stop what you’re doing immediately. If it’s safe to do so, turn off your gas at the main and contact your gas provider at once. Don’t try to find the gas leak yourself. This can be dangerous, and the air you breathe can cause severe damage.

Cut Blindly

There’s not always empty space behind a surface. There could be plumbing pipes, electrical wiring, or ductwork hiding beneath the surface you cut or drill into. Make sure you know exactly where you’re cutting and what’s on the other side of it.

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Misuse Tools

Equipment and tools have been designed for specific reasons and purposes. It’s simply unsafe to use them in any other way than for what it was intended. Misusing tools can cause serious injury, not to mention severe property damage. You’ll also want to take good care of your tools. Check that they’re all working correctly before using them.

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Considering a plumbing project or need a repair? If you’re not a fan of DIY or the task at hand is too complicated or unsafe, schedule an appointment with a professional at Adeedo today.

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