Setting Your Ductless Mini Split’s Thermostat

ductless mini split's thermostatSetting a ductless mini split’s thermostat involves several considerations that differ from the thermostat on a standard central heating and cooling system. By conditioning single rooms or small enclosed areas with heat pump efficiency, ductless systems fill an important gap in houses where installing ductwork for a central system or extending existing ductwork isn’t feasible.

Here are a few things you need to know about setting your ductless mini split’s thermostat for comfort and efficiency.

Backup Setting

As temperatures drop below freezing, a heat pump activates supplemental heating, usually from electric resistance coils. The temperature at which backup heat kicks in is user-adjustable on the ductless mini-split’s thermostat. Most experts recommend setting the temperature to activate backup heat at 10 degrees below the usual programmed low temperature setting.

Use the Central System Setting?

Don’t automatically input the same temperature settings you may utilize on your central system’s thermostat. A central heating and cooling thermostat measures temperatures at eye-level or below, while a typical wall-mounted ductless system samples temperatures much higher in the room. Best to experiment with various settings and select the appropriate level based on comfort.

When You Leave the Room…

If you’ll be gone for a short time, set the thermostat only a few degrees lower or higher, depending on whether you’re in heating or cooling mode. The system won’t run extended “on” cycles when you return to get the room back to normal comfort level.

If you’re going to be away all day, you may want to use programmed options to alter the temperature even more to save energy, then program the system to return to normal temperature shortly before you get home.

Switching From Heating to Cooling

When the seasons change, first power down the indoor air handler — or all of them, if there are multiple units. Select the desired setting, either “heat” or “cool,” on the remote control to shift operation to that mode. Then power the indoor air handler(s) back up again.

For more information about setting your ductless mini split’s thermostat for all-season comfort and efficiency, contact Reliance Home Services. We proudly serve the home comfort needs of homeowners across Los Angeles.

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