Best Ways To Find Hidden Water Leaks

Water leaks can cause serious damage, especially where you can’t see them. In some cases, many leaks could be small enough that you would never notice the impact of them on your monthly water bills. But they can also be quite costly and knowing how to find hidden water leaks will help you avert any potential disaster. Here are some ways our Southern California plumbers recommend that you look for existing leaks.

1. Turn off your water. 
Shutting off your water in your home is the first step in identifying a water leak. Also, it is important to make sure that your dishwasher, washing machine and sprinklers are not functioning at this time.

2. Check your water meter. 
While all water using faucets, fixtures and appliances are off, take a look at your water meter. The dial on the meter should not be moving at all while water is not running. If all water sources are off and your meter is moving, then you might have a leak that should be evaluated by an experienced San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange County plumber.

3. Examine exterior usage. 
What a lot of people don’t realize is that water leaks could also happen outside. Therefore, our plumbers suggest that you check the exterior of your home or business for leaks as well. Areas where garden hoses might be connected should not be overlooked.

4. Call in a professional plumber. 
Having a San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange County plumber inspect your home for any potential leaks will help you lower your water bills, save water and protect your residence. Houses that are over 20 years old are susceptible to these leaks as the plumbing system may be on the decline. Homeowners can avoid a larger mess by contacting a highly trained plumber to make repairs as soon as possible.

Adeedo! is one of the leading Los Angeles plumbing companies. Having been in the plumbing business for 70 years, we are able to handle any residential or commercial plumbing needs.

Contact us today at (833) 936-1791 to get more information about our services or schedule an appointment online.

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