During the fall, the weather starts to turn and keeping a comfortable temperature in your home is trickier. It often means you need to bounce between running your AC and heater. But is this safe? Should you run both systems at once? Can you really run heat and AC at the same time?
Why it’s Essential to Switch Between AC and Heater Safely
While it’s true that using both systems at once can put a strain on your unit, it won’t necessarily cause any damage; in fact, many modern units are designed for this type of use.
Be Patient and Wait for the Cycle to Finish
It might be tempting to switch from heating to air-conditioning or vice versa in the middle of a cycle. But doing this causes damage to your system.
Resist going from one extreme to the other. Turning it up or down as far as it will go won’t heat or cool your home any quicker, instead you’ll have an intensely cold or hot home. Stick to adjusting the temperature by a few degrees at a time.
Don’t let Your HVAC Unit Short Cycle
Short cycling is a term used to describe the practice of turning your HVAC system off and on frequently. If you’re constantly switching from air-conditioning to heating, you could increase the chances of short-cycling.
Compressor Locked Up? What to do Next.
The HVAC compressor is the heart of your air conditioner. It’s what pumps refrigerant through your system and draws in outside air through the condenser.
A locked-up compressor means that it has seized up and stopped working. Locking-up can happen for many reasons, but constantly switching from air-conditioning to heating can overwork the compressor.
Not Sure how to Look After Your HVAC System? HVAC Maintenance has you Covered
Your heating and air conditioning system is the heart of your home. It keeps you comfortable, saves money, and can last for decades if properly maintained.
Maintenance helps to prevent these problems by keeping your system running at peak performance. Doing this means you won’t have to wait until a problem arises before it can be fixed. Instead, schedule routine maintenance appointments with a technician who will identify issues before they become major problems.
Why Smart Thermostats Make It Easier to Move from Summer to Fall
A smart thermostat can help you save money on utility bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
Contact the HVAC experts at Adeedo for more information about smart thermostats and HVAC maintenance.