Our Blog – Happy Home Tips

When Is Fire Season in California?
In the past, Californians have been preparing for seasonal wildfires each year by taking precautions inside and outside of their homes. This used to be from the end of June to early July through October. This season slowly started earlier and ended later. Now, there really isn’t a fire season

Best Thermostat Temperature Settings for Summer
When those sunny days hit Los Angeles, no one wants to be hot and sweaty in their home. However, staying cool comes with a price. Making your home into a freezer will make your bills go sky high. Fortunately, there is a perfect thermostat setting that strikes a balance between

Do Heat Pumps Work in Los Angeles?
Don’t forget, fall is just around the corner. If you have a subpar or older HVAC system, consider how a heat pump can help you with your home’s needs. If you’re in Los Angeles, you may be wondering if heat pumps work in the city – or California, for that

Everything You Need to Know About New AC Installation
We’re starting to really feel the summer heat in Los Angeles. This means a lot of homeowners are turning on the AC for the first time in a season. Is your system looking a little old or not working as well as it used to? It might be time to

Still Having Sink Trouble Try these Drain Cleaning DIYs?
Digging into the DIY world sometimes feels like Alice in Wonderland. While you’re going down the DIY rabbit hole, your sink still isn’t draining. It’s enough to make yourself crazy, but if you’re having trouble, there’s definitely help available. Here are some drain cleaning DIYs that actually work. The Root

Why Do Slab Leaks Happen?
Slab leaks are common in areas where soil has been moved. Movement can happen from erosion, earthquakes, and even high water pressure. During a slab leak, the pipes inside or beneath a home’s slab foundation begin to leak. At first, leaks are small and may go unnoticed. However, they worsen

Ever Wanted to Put Your Whole House in A Water Filter?
Installing A Whole House Water Filter Provides Pure Water Throughout Your Home. Are you fed up refilling your water filter pitcher? Now you can use the same technology throughout your house for your entire water system – clean, filtered water from every tap and water source. Sound good? Let’s find

A Bright Lawn Could Mean You Have a Sewer Line Leak in the Yard
A lush grassy area in your garden may look lovely, but it could also mean you have a sewer line leak in the yard. If your lawn is wet or you notice patches of bright green or brown grass, it’s time to check for leaks. If you have a sewer

7 Tips to Naturally Cool Your Home
The hot California summer is almost here! And you know what that means: The never-ending struggle to stay cool! Unfortunately, cranking up the AC as high as it goes will only serve to spike your monthly electric bills. The Service Champions team had a chat with our expert technicians at

Busting Common Myths about AC Repair
Here comes summer! Despite wonderful advances in technology and construction, some common air conditioner myths about AC repair, maintenance, and replacement still seem to haunt homeowners and technicians alike. The Adeedo professional team is here to set the record straight! Are you guilty of believing any of these myths? You

Thinking About AC Maintenance?
Don’t Forget to Give Your Condenser a Spring Cleaning AC units are an investment, and like any other investment, they require regular upkeep. But what AC maintenance can you carry out yourself, and what is best left to the pros? Here are a few ideas of what you should, and

Air Conditioner Repair or Replacement, Which One is Better?
Most Southern California homeowners tell us they aren’t sure whether or not to replace or repair their air conditioner. Maybe it’s making a strange noise, vibrating too much, leaking refrigerant, or your utility bills have gone up. All you know is that something’s not quite right! But what does that

Gas Leak? Not on My Watch
If you have gas appliances or a natural gas furnace, you could be at risk of a gas leak. An untreated gas leak can be extremely dangerous and can cause long-term health problems for those exposed to toxic gas for an extended period of time. Preventing gas leaks is an

4 Reasons Your Toilet Keeps Getting Clogged
Your toilet is perhaps the most-used fixture in your home. Oftentimes, we take for granted that our toilet and plumbing system work. While the occasional clog is no big deal, it’s a big problem when you’re constantly dealing with a backed up toilet. This is not only a hassle and

With An Energy Efficient Home, Every Day Is Earth Day
What makes a more energy-efficient home? Why are your energy bills so high? How can you reduce your carbon footprint right away? These are all questions Southern California homeowners ask themselves when seeking to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. But “going green” is only one of the benefits of