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Crucial Plumbing Codes All Homeowners Should Know

Plumbing work can be messy, not just because of the pipes but also due to strict plumbing codes that must be adhered to. These codes ensure the safety and wellbeing of homeowners. and offer protection from any dangerous plumbing mishaps. Even if you’re not doing repairs, it’s important know what these plumbing codes are and how they relate to your home’s system.

Remember to check the National Uniform Plumbing Code

When you want to update or fix your plumbing, you should first check the National Uniform Plumbing Code (NUPC). This set of rules governs all plumbing work in the United States, with separate codes for each area.

The code is updated every three years. If you don’t follow the code, you could have to redo any work done incorrectly or risk facing a fine from your local council.

The NUPC also helps you determine which jobs are more complicated and would require professional plumbing help.

Correctly Sloping Drainpipes

In most homes, the drains are the lowest points of the plumbing system. The water flows down them, and gravity pulls it along. But it’s important to ensure that the drains slope properly, so your home’s pipes don’t get clogged with debris.

The proper slope is 1/4 inch per foot of run from your drain to its exit point from your home. Check this by placing a ruler against the pipe so it touches both walls and measuring how far apart they are at its deepest point.

Install Cleanouts

A cleanout is a specialized type of pipe that allows plumbers to remove obstructions from a pipe without digging up the entire line.

Cleanouts are usually located near either the top or bottom of the main line and fitted with a removable cap. They are typically installed where they can be easily accessed by plumbers who need to use them during repairs or installations. Check with your local Los Angeles plumbing experts for more information about where to position cleanouts.

Avoid Cutting Notches in Joists

Serious risks are involved when you cut notches in joists.

Image: house under construction with exposed joists.

You can’t just cut a hole in a joist and put a pipe through it. The pipe won’t be supported and could fall through the floor or ceiling. This is dangerous for both you and your plumbing work. If you must cut into a joist for any reason, ensure it’s done correctly, so you don’t cause any damage or injury to yourself or others.

Make Sure You Have the Right Size of Fittings and Pipes

To ensure that your drainage system works properly, you need to make sure you have the right fit for your pipes. The wrong fitting can lead to leaks and other problems with your plumbing system, which can be very costly to repair or replace.

Many drainage pipes are available today, but not all are created equal. The pipe you choose will depend on how much water it needs to carry away from your home and how quickly it needs to do this job.

Make Sure You’re Using the Right Pipe Material

Plumbing pipes are made from different materials depending on whether they carry hot or cold water and are connected outdoors or indoors. The most common types of piping material include copper, steel, and plastic PVC pipes for drainage purposes.

Water Pressure Must be Adequate

Adequate water pressure is essential for proper functioning faucets, showers, and toilets. It’s also important for washing dishes and clothes and flushing your toilet. Water pressure that is too low can lead to clogged drains, which can result in flooded basements or even structural damage to your home.

Image: low water pressure meme.

Be Sure to Vent Properly

Vented drainpipes allow air to escape the drainage system and prevent sewer gasses from entering your home.

Vent pipes must be installed correctly, so your plumbing system doesn’t back up and cause odors inside your home. Leaks can also lead to mold growth, which can make you sick.

Proper Fixture Placement and Spacing

Plumbing fixtures must not be installed too close together. This is because they are meant to carry water, which has a high specific gravity. If there is no room for the water to spread out, it will cause the plumbing fixture to leak.

Image:  a finished bathroom up to proper plumbing code.

The maximum allowable distance between two fixtures is called a maximum spacing or clearance. This is usually determined by local codes and regulations, but it can also be determined by experience or common sense.

Most Importantly, Maintain the Structure of the Building

Plumbing fixtures are usually installed during construction, but sometimes they must be repaired or replaced later. The installation of plumbing fixtures must not weaken the structure of the house. If you have already installed plumbing fixtures in your home and want to know whether they are safe, do not hesitate to call an expert plumber who can inspect them for you.

Image: a cute house that shouldn't have it's structure threatened for the sake of some plumbing project.

Still not sure about plumbing codes? Contact the plumbing professionals at Adeedo for more information.

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